# I Stand
With Wild
Join Our Social Media Movement
Wild horses are fast disappearing from our country.
Few people actually know that about 80,000 horses currently roam free in the Western United States, but they are being cruelly rounded up by helicopters, taken away from their families, and losing their freedom. Over 50,00 wild horses are currently stuck in mass holding facilities.
If something isn’t done soon, wild horses will be lost to our history forever. So The Wild Beauty Foundation is launching the #istandwithwildhorses social media campaign.
Raise your voice to protect them and halt the roundups!

Step 1
Write the words “I Stand With Wild Horses” on a piece of paper, or on another creative surface like cardboard, asphalt, or glass.
Step 2
Take a photo with the words, and your face, in the shot!
Step 3
Post your photo to social media with the hashtags below!
That’s it!
#istandwithwildhorses #wildhorseteamwork #wildbeautyspirit
Tag WBF on social media
Instagram: @wildbeautyspirit
Twitter: @WildBeautyHerd
Facebook: @The Wild Beauty Foundation
Watch for your photo to be featured on the WBF website or one of our channels.
It’s time to stand for the wild horses of our time, today. Thank you for raising your voice! Every life matters.